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The worms have fled
Finishing up our examination of Under Construction
Rating system |
As we progress through the songs, I will rate the development of the music, lyrics and take a stab at guessing from which period the recording originates. Roger's acoustic recordings will be labeled with 1 asterisk (*); the early studio work will be labeled with 2 and the later studio work will be labeled with 3. |
For me, the fourth quarter of Under Construction (what becomes side four of the The Wall) is the most interesting segment of the work in progress. The interest does not come from the more obvious sources (drastically different lyrics or unexpected instrumenation and arrangements) since most of the songs on this section are close to their final version. Also, this section doesn't contain any of the stunning surprises of the previous section which boasts two unreleased songs.
Despite that, it is the section with the most interesting tidbits.
What is often written off as filler by fans, here, becomes the most fascinating moment in the entire album. The song in question, "The Show Must Go On," proves itself to be the most glaring crack in the outer shell of Floyd secrecy and gives us the most tantalizing glimpse into the Floyd studio process.
Why? Give it a listen and you will quickly notice that you're hearing the product of two distinct recordings stitched together haphazardly in the studio. One take of the song appears to be from later studio recording sessions with the full band. I say "later" because it does sound, to my ears, to be musically the same recording, although I could be wrong about that. The take is fully developed with vocals and instrumentation worked out.
The other take can be assumed to be Roger's early recordings, the ones of him strumming an acoustic. At the line "Am I really unsure," the song cuts jarringly from the full band to Roger's recording, suddenly reducing the song to an acoustic and vocal take (and not a very well recorded one at that!) The contrast is startling.
The song continues along, jumping back into the full band take with Gilmour's vocals on the line "it was just a mistake."
The lyrics are a wonder. The mention of the Rising Sun is curious and, obviously, points to some of the fabled bits and pieces that were excised from The Wall and later resurfaced (albeit in a different form) on The Final Cut.
More interesting to me is the mention of "the worms." I've always suspected that some work from Animals spilled over into early production on The Wall and this leads me further toward that suspicion. The songs on The Wall that mention the worms were originally (as evidenced here) planned to run together on the same side. (And if "Run Like Hell" seems a bit intrusive, remember that it was added later in the process.)
So, here we have three songs that mention the worms. We already knew about "Waiting for the Worms" (of course) and "The Trial" ("Worm, your Honour") and the final version of "Hey You." Now we can add "The Show Must Go On" to that list. And on top of that, we now know that the worm concept dates from very early on in the creation of The Wall. It's hard not to imagine the worms as a concept left over from Animals that wormed its way (sorry) into the Roger's new project.
The rest of this section is pretty unremarkable. Much of the music is in place and lyrics have been, for the most part, hammered into shape. The presence of yet another instrumental ("Run Like Hell") shows that this was (as has already been confirmed by the band) a later addition to the album. "The Trial" exists here in skeletal form, primarily piano and vocals. "In The Flesh" has been fleshed out. I tend to think that this portion of the album contains the songs that were in the works early on as they seem to be further along than the rest of the album.
So, let's continue the song-by-song examination.
![]() Wall in Progress (alternate title) cover art |
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Hey you,
Out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you,
With your ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
Hey you,
Would you like me to carry the stone?
Open your heart
I'm calling your home
Hey you,
Out there in the cold
Getting lonely
Getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you,
Waiting in the line
Do you worry all the time?
Can you feel me?
Hey you,
Don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in
Without a fight
(guitar solo)
But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high as you can see
No matter how he tried he could not break free
Of the chain
Hey you,
Out there on the road
Always doing what you're told
Can you help me?
Hey you,
Out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall
Can you help me?
Hey you,
Don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand
Divided we fall (we fall... we fall... we fall...)
Appearing here after "Comfortably Numb" (as confirmed by stories of the evolution of The Wall) this early version of "Hey You" bears remarkable similarity to the final version of the song. Much of the structure of the song is firmly in place and most of the lyrics are close to the final version. Despite that, I suspect we're hearing a different take on Under Construction. While most of the song details and arrangement are clearly worked out, the recording sounds different.
![]() Under Construction cover art |
The song starts with the familiar guitar arpeggios accompanied by the electric piano and fretless bass, although the latter, which is the signature sound of "Hey You," has not been worked out here. The intro, therefore, is considerably shorter. (Curiously, later in the song where the fretless bass part reappears after the solo and bridge, we hear a fretted bass playing this part.)
Unlike the final version, Roger sings all the lyrics. Roger does a great job with the delivery, but "Hey You" is not a "Roger" song and you can hear how it suffers here from the lack of Gilmour's vocals.
The guitar solo is truncated in this version. Lacking the slow build-up on the four-note theme, it jumps shockingly into what we now know as the middle of the guitar solo where Gilmour's lead lines take off and start soaring over the song. There are a few barely noticeable edits here and there.
The Show Must Go On | music: 3 / lyrics: 3 / * & ***
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
I must be slowing down
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
Am I really on show (unsure)?
Wide-eyed in the spotlight
Fuck me
What a nightmare
Who's there?
Have they all gone?
It's okay
Now you're in luck
The worms have fled
The Rising Sun
Their evil power
Is on the wane
Forget the past
And start again
It was just a mistake
I didn't mean to let them
Take away my soul
Am I too old?
Is it too late?
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
I must be slowing down
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
I must be slowing down
Ooh Ma
Footstep sound effects lead into the opening of what I consider to be the most remarkable track on the album. It contains reference to the worms as well as jumping from later studio work to Roger's early acoustic recordings. (See the article intro for more on this.)
According to the "official" lyrics found online and in the liner notes to Under Construction, Roger is singing "their evil power is on the way." I disagree. It sounds like "wane" to me, which rhymes with the following line and makes more sense in context.
An odd yet-to-be-cut reference to Japan is orphaned here. It hints at The Final Cut which contains lyrics that were removed from The Wall.
There is an annoyingly sloppy cut at the end with the vocals cutting out just before the song dies abruptly.
In The Flesh | music: - / lyrics: - / ***
So you thought you
Might like to
Go to the show
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow
I've got some bad news for you sunshine
Pink isn't well
He stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along
As a surrogate band
We're gonna find out where you fans really stand
Are there any pooves in the theatre tonight?
Get 'em up against the wall
There's one in the spotlight
He don't look right to me
Get 'im up against the wall
And that one looks Jewish
And that one's a coon
Who let all this riff-raff
Into the room?
There's one smoking a joint
And another with spots
If I had my way
I'd have all of you shot
"In The Flesh" is the same recording, musically, to the version ("In The Flesh?") that kicks off the album. (Yes, you anal-retentives out there can rejoice--I played them simultaneously to prove the point.) The apparent differences here are entirely studio sleight of hand. "In The Flesh?" cuts back into the intro after one verse whereas this version continues with second verse, going through the main riff and the big finish as expected. This suggests to me that this version was recorded first and the other created from it. There are signs of further refinement since "In The Flesh?" was spun off however.
The additions and differences are subtle. There are some genuinely creepy falsetto voices during the pre-verse arpeggios. These falsettos gave way eventually to Beach Boys-esque harmonies on the final version, but I'm not sure that was such a wise decision ultimately. The voices here evoke a loneliness and desperation that one-ups the final version. It's puzzling that such an effective vocal wasn't used.
Roger's vocal takes are different on the first verses despite lyrical similarity. Also, there is a very cool but subtle synth part that enters on "bad news for you sunshine" that isn't on the final version (too bad.) There is also a descending synth part during "that one doesn't look right to me" which also never made the final version (too bad again--both of these synth parts are small but add a lot to the feel of the music.)
The song resolves to the heavy outro without an apparent edit like the first version and continues to its arena rock big finish without the fade-out of "In The Flesh?" As with The Wall, we hear an audience cheering at the end.
Run Like Hell | music: 3 / lyrics: 1 / ***(Instrumental)
Another moment for you Floyd/karaoke fans to celebrate. With the exception of the missing vocals and synth solo, this is almost identical to the final recording so it practically demands that you belt out the odious lyrics as the vocal-less verses come crashing down around your ears.
This is definitely the take we hear on the album, although the guitars sound somewhat flat, like there may be a missing overdub, but it's hard to judge. The delay that is so distinctive on the final version is definitely quieter here. However, the tone of the main guitar playing the chords sounds thin as if missing something but that could be chalked up to studio work (equalization, effects, etc.) that has yet to be applied.
One pleasant surprise is that you can hear the piano part much more clearly. Although it's just blunt block chords being pounded to the beat, the instrument has rarely sounded so menacing. It's too bad it's so hard to hear in the final version.
The bass part is remarkably well developed. Given that this is a Gilmour composition, I suspect it's Gilmour on the bass as well.
The car chase sound effects and Roger's scream are both missing during the long instrumental break, although I swear I can hear a faint something-or-other just on the edge of my perception. It's possible that an early batch of sound effects is there, but has been dropped down to a low volume for this mix. (It's also possible that I'm hallucinating, so what the hell!)
Waiting For The Worms | music: 3 / lyrics: 3 / ***
"Ooooh! Ack-ack!"
You cannot reach me now
No matter how you try
Goodbye cruel world
It's over
Walk on by
Sitting in a bunker
Here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
In perfect isolation
Here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
Waiting! To cut out the deadwood
Waiting! To clean up the city
Waiting! To follow the worms
Waiting! To put on a black shirt
Waiting! To weed out the weaklings
Waiting! To smash in their windows and kick in their doors
Waiting! For the final solution to strengthen the strain
Waiting! To turn on the showers and fire the ovens
Waiting! For the Queens and the Coons and the Reds and Jews
Waiting! To follow the worms
Did you want to see (Would you like to see...)
Britannia rule again? (...us rule again?)
My friend
All you have to do is follow the worms
Would you like to send (Would you like...)
Our colored cousins home again? (...to send them home again?)
My friend
All you need to do is follow the worms
("Hammer! Hammer! Hammer!")
I wanna go home
Take off my uniform and leave the show
I'm waiting in this cell because I have to know
(have to know... have to know... have to know...)
Have I been guilty all this time?
(time... time... time...)
Short and sweet and not much to be said beyond that. The song is close to the final version, sounding like the take we hear on the album with a different take on the vocals.
The Trial | music: 3 / lyrics: 4 / ***
Good morning, Worm, Your Honor
The Crown will plainly show the prisoner
Who now stands before you
Was caught red-handed showing feelings
Showing feelings of an almost human nature
This will not do
I always said he'd come to no good
In the end, Your Honor
If they'd let me have my way
I could have flayed him into shape
But my hands were tied
The bleeding hearts and artists
Let him get away with murder
Let me hammer him today!
("Hammer! Hammer! Hammer! Hammer!")
Crazy... toys in the attic
I am crazy
Truly gone fishing
They must have taken my marbles away
Crazy... toys in the attic
He is crazy
You little shit
You're in it
Now I hope they throw away the key
You should have talked to me
More often than you did-- but no
You had to go your own way
Have you broken any homes up lately?
Just five minutes, Worm, Your Honor
Him and me alone
Come to Mama, baby
Let me hold you in my arms
M'Lud I never wanted him to
Get in any trouble
Why'd he have to go and leave me?
Worm, Your Honor, let me take him home
Crazy... over the rainbow
I am crazy
Bars in the window
There must have been a door there in the wall
When I came in
Crazy... over the rainbow
He is crazy
The evidence before the court is incontrovertible
There's no need for the jury to retire
In all my years of judging
I have never heard before
Of someone more deserving
The full penalty of law
But, my friends, he has
Revealed his deepest fear
I sentence him to be
Exposed before his peers
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down--
This version of "The Trial" starts with a footstep sound effect and a piano--and that's all. No orchestration yet. No sound effects of squeaky doors (although we do hear Roger cough and sniff just before the first line of lyrics.) The arrangment is skeletal at this stage, and yet the song is fully developed.
There are only a few minor variants on the lyrics. The vocal take shows some differences from the album version and some similarities. Moments sound identical to the final version (the teacher verse for example) while others sound decidedly different (the mother verse.) I suspect the final version was comped from multiple takes.
It sounds like the piano part heard on Under Construction made the final cut. Even though the song is clearly in early stages of recording, the piano part is played flawlessly.
We hear whispered chanting standing in for crowds shouting "Hammer!" and "Tear down the wall!"
Toward the close of the song, when Roger assumes the role of the judge, we hear a single, familiar guitar line enter riffing on the four-note theme that pervades the album. Again, there are no other final touches to the ending of the song. The shouting crowds are reduced to whispers. Roger's judge vocals have not yet taken on their demonically low-sounding qualities. The explosion of the wall coming down jumps out from behind a hard edit and sounds like it was taken from a second-rate sound effects library.
Outside The Wall | music: 3 / lyrics: 3 / **
All alone or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some side-by-side
Some in Indian file
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Walk on by
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall
After all it's not easy
Banging your heart against
Some mad bugger's wall
Like "Stop," "Outside the Wall" is short and sweet and mostly complete, mostly what we hear on the album. There is the curious addition of a drum playing a heartbeat pattern throughout. For whatever reason, this did not make the final album (possibly Roger disliked plagiarizing himself.)
There are slight differences in a couple lines of lyrics. There is the mysteriously obscure sounding lyrics after "Some side-by-side" that is written up in the "official" lyrics as "Some of them going in file." Neither Roger's vocals nor the backing vocals sounded like they're singing that so I set out to resolve the mystery. The best I could make out initially was "Someone in ian file" from Roger (which of course makes no sense) and "Some beginning in file" from the backing vocals (again making little sense.) The mystery persisted. I came to the hasty conclusion that it was "someone leading in file."
However, after repeatedly listening to that line, I finally caught it as "Some in Indian file." It made no sense to me until I looked up the rarely used term "Indian file" which means "single file." I'd never heard the term before, but it made sense. Mystery solved.
So there we are. Under Construction deconstructed. I hope you've found this series enjoyable and enlightenting or that it has provoked some thoughts about this early working version of The Wall. Feel free to share your insights with us.
The reconstructed lyrics
One more thing. I've always been somewhat detail-oriented (that's a polite way of saying uptight, by the way) about Pink Floyd. I like seeing lyrics transcribed correctly in particular which means that I take issue with the lyrics that are commonly found on the Web and in the liner notes for Under Construction. The lyrics as transcribed presently contain numerous inconsistencies and mistakes. (I intend no offense to whoever it was out there who transcribed them. It was obviously a big job and not all of the vocal passages are clear.) To rectify this, I have been making my own transcription of the lyrics, borrowing from the previous transcription whenever possible, and would like to reprint them in their entirety here. Feel free to copy and post at will (or you can download a text file of the lyrics.) And please, for the sake of us hopelessly detail-oriented folks: if you are one of the numerous sites out there that has posted these lyrics, replace what you have with this corrected version. Please.
Lyrics for Under Construction
An early working version of The Wall
By Roger Waters
So ya thought ya might like to
Go to the show
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow
I got some bad news for you sunshine
Pink isn't well
He's at home in his bed
And they sent us along
We're the surrogate band
We're going to find out where you fans really stand
Mama loves her baby
And daddy loves you too
And the sea may look warm to you babe
The sky may look blue
Ooh-ooh-ooh, babe
Ooh-ooh-ooh, baby blue
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh babe
He's going away
If you should go skating, boy
On the thin ice of modern life
Dragging behind you a house and a car
And a trunk full of things for the wife
And don't be surprised when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet
You slip out of your depth
And out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice
Goodbye... goodbye!
Daddy's gone across the ocean
Leaving all her memories
And an aftertaste of raw emotion
Daddy what you leave behind for me?
Daddy what you leave behind for me?
All in all just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
When we grew up and went to school
There was a certain teacher
Who would hurt the children any way he could
By pouring his derision
Upon anything they did
Exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids
But in the town it was well known
When he got home at night
His psychopathic wife would crush him
Within inches of his life
We don't need your education
We don't need your crowd control
Your dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher leave the kids alone
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Oooh... ah
Mother, should I build a wall?
Mother, do you think she's good enough... for me?
Mother, do you think she's dangerous... for me?
Mother, will she tear your little boy apart?
Oooh... ah
Mother, will she break my heart?
Hush now baby baby, don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama will keep baby cozy and warm
Oooh, babe (babe, babe, babe, ooh babe)
Oooh, baby
Oooh, babe
Of course Mama'll help you build the wall
Oooh, babe, don't you cry
Mama's gonna check out your girlfriends for you
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
Mama's gonna burn all of your pornography
She'll watch what you hear and she'll watch what you see
Mamma will keep baby healthy and clean
Oooh, babe
Oo-ooh, babe
Oooh, babe
Mother's gonna clean up all your dreams
Mother, did it need to be so high?
(sfx: clock ticking)
Did, did, did, did you see the frightened ones?
Did, did, did, did you hear the falling bombs?
Did, did, did, did you ever wonder
why we had to run for shelter
When the promise of a brave new world
Unfurled beneath the clear blue sky?
Did, did, did, did you see the frightened ones?
Did, did, did, did you hear the falling (bombs?)*
Did, did, did, did you ever wonder
why we had to run for shelter
When the promise of a brave new world
Unfurled beneath the clear blue sky?
Goodbye blue sky
Goodbye blue sky
[*assumed. Tape cuts out.]
What shall we use to fill the empty spaces
Where she used to walk?
How shall we fill the final places?
How shall we complete the wall?
Groupie: "Oh my god! What a fabulous room! Gee, are these all your guitars? Wow! Look at that view. Can I just sit here for a while and take it in? Wow! Are you real? Real? [Lyrics begin.] Gee this little tape recorder is really neat. Is this Japanese? Hey, what's in here? Did your group ever come to this town before because I don't remember seeing you around here? Shall we get something to eat? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Shall I order something on the telephone? Gee, you don't talk very much, do you? You English boys are so quiet. Are you feeling okay? Would you like me to get you something? Are you sure you're feeling okay? Would you like me to get you a glass of water? You don't look very well at all."
Day after day
Love turns gray
Like the skin of a dying man
Night after night
We pretend it's all right
But you have grown older
And I have grown colder
And nothing is very much fun anymore
And I can feel
One of my turns coming on
I feel
Cold as a razor blade
Tight as a tourniquet
Dry as a funeral drum
Run to the bathroom
In the suitcase on the left
You'll find my felling axe
Don't look so frightened
This is just a passing phase
Just one of my bad days
("Thank you!")
Would you like to watch TV?
Or get between the sheets?
Or contemplate the silent freeway?
Would you like something to eat?
Would you like to call the cops?
Do you think it's time I stopped?
Why are you running awaaaaaaaaaaay?
Oooh, babe!
Don't leave me now
Don't say it's the end of the road
Remember the flowers I sent
I need you, babe
To put through the shredder in front of my friends
Oh, babe!
Don't leave me now
How could you go
When you know how I need you (need you, need you...)
To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night?
Oh, babe!
Don't leave me now
How could you treat me this way?
Running away
Oooh, babe!
Why are you running away?
Oooh, babe...
Oooh, babe...
Oooh, babe...
What shall we use to fill the empty spaces
Where she used to walk?
How shall we fill the final places?
How shall we complete the wall?
Shall we buy a new guitar?
Shall we drive a more powerful car?
Shall we work right through the night?
Shall we get into fights?
Leave the lights on?
Drop bombs in the East?
Contract diseases
Bury treasure
Store up
Lights on
Drop bombs in the East
Contract diseases
Bury treasure
Store up
Lights on
Drop bombs in the East
Contract diseases
Bury treasure
Store up leisure
But never relax at all
With our backs to the wall
With our backs to the wall
With our backs to the wall
With our backs to the wall
With our backs to the wall
With our backs to the wall
With our backs to the wall
Backs to the wall
Backs to the-- (cuts off)
I don't need your tongue to cut me
I don't need no drugs to calm me
I don't need your arms around me
Don't think I need anything at all
Don't think I need anything at all
All in all you were
Just another brick in the wall
All in all you were
All just bricks in the wall
Goodbye cruel world
I'm leaving you today
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye cruel world
There's nothing you can take from me
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Remember how she said that
We would meet again
Some sunny day?
Vera! Vera!
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here
Feel the way I do?
Bring the boys back home
(spoken, as if imitating drums: "Choo-chika-choo-do!")
Bring the boys back home
Don't leave the children on their own (oh... own) no more
Bring the boys back home!
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there on your own
Naked by the telephone ("Cha! Cha!")
Casually leaning on the wall
To stop you falling
Waiting for the call
Or the footsteps in the hall
The knock on the door
Cannot stem the sensation
Of seemingly endless free fall
Oooh, ahhh
Is there anyone out there?
Is there anyone out there?
Is there anyone out there?
Oooh, ahhh
Is there anyone out there?
Is there anyone out there?
Is there anyone out there?
Do you sometimes get lonely at night?
Oooh... are you out there tonight?
Is there anyone out there?
Is there anyone out there?
Is there anyone out there?
Is there anybody in there?
Is anybody bleeding?
Is there anyone at home?
Come on...
I know you're hiding
I could hear you screaming when your neighbors
Called me on the phone
I am a physician
And I can handle your condition
Like a magician
If you show me where it hurts
(spoken, sounds like Roger in the studio: "Leave it alone.")
There is no pain
You are receding
A distant ship
Smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear you're saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain, you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb
(guitar solo)
I have become comfortably numb
Wake up (light up)...
Pull yourself together
Get out and meet new people
I'm sure they'll understand
Come on...
Put away the shotgun
Yeah, have another blue one
Have your fingertips gone numb?
Goodbye, goodbye
Try and see the bright side
Listen to some punk groups
Rock and roll
Go out and see some shows
(guitar solo)
Go out and see some shows
Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!
Bye! (Put up?) Bye!
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Hey you,
Out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you,
With your ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
Hey you,
Would you like me to carry the stone?
Open your heart
I'm calling your home
Hey you,
Out there in the cold
Getting lonely
Getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you,
Waiting in the line
Do you worry all the time?
Can you feel me?
Hey you,
Don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in
Without a fight
(guitar solo)
But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high as you can see
No matter how he tried he could not break free
Of the chain
Hey you,
Out there on the road
Always doing what you're told
Can you help me?
Hey you,
Out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall
Can you help me?
Hey you,
Don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand
Divided we fall (we fall... we fall... we fall...)
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
I must be slowing down
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
Am I really on show (unsure)?
Wide-eyed in the spotlight
Fuck me
What a nightmare
Who's there?
Have they all gone?
It's okay
Now you're in luck
The worms have fled
The Rising Sun
Their evil power
Is on the wane
Forget the past
And start again
It was just a mistake
I didn't mean to let them
Take away my soul
Am I too old?
Is it too late?
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
I must be slowing down
Ooh Ma
Ooh Pa
I must be slowing down
Ooh Ma
So you thought you
Might like to
Go to the show
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow
I've got some bad news for you sunshine
Pink isn't well
He stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along
As a surrogate band
We're gonna find out where you fans really stand
Are there any pooves in the theatre tonight?
Get 'em up against the wall
There's one in the spotlight
He don't look right to me
Get 'im up against the wall
And that one looks Jewish
And that one's a coon
Who let all this riff-raff
Into the room?
There's one smoking a joint
And another with spots
If I had my way
I'd have all of you shot
"Ooooh! Ack-ack!"
You cannot reach me now
No matter how you try
Goodbye cruel world
It's over
Walk on by
Sitting in a bunker
Here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
In perfect isolation
Here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
Waiting! To cut out the deadwood
Waiting! To clean up the city
Waiting! To follow the worms
Waiting! To put on a black shirt
Waiting! To weed out the weaklings
Waiting! To smash in their windows and kick in their doors
Waiting! For the final solution to strengthen the strain
Waiting! To turn on the showers and fire the ovens
Waiting! For the Queens and the Coons and the Reds and Jews
Waiting! To follow the worms
Did you want to see (Would you like to see...)
Britannia rule again? (...us rule again?)
My friend
All you have to do is follow the worms
Would you like to send (Would you like...)
Our colored cousins home again? (...to send them home again?)
My friend
All you need to do is follow the worms
("Hammer! Hammer! Hammer!")
I wanna go home
Take off my uniform and leave the show
I'm waiting in this cell because I have to know
(have to know... have to know... have to know...)
Have I been guilty all this time?
(time... time... time...)
Good morning, Worm, Your Honor
The Crown will plainly show the prisoner
Who now stands before you
Was caught red-handed showing feelings
Showing feelings of an almost human nature
This will not do
I always said he'd come to no good
In the end, Your Honor
If they'd let me have my way
I could have flayed him into shape
But my hands were tied
The bleeding hearts and artists
Let him get away with murder
Let me hammer him today!
("Hammer! Hammer! Hammer! Hammer!")
Crazy... toys in the attic
I am crazy
Truly gone fishing
They must have taken my marbles away
Crazy... toys in the attic
He is crazy
You little shit
You're in it
Now I hope they throw away the key
You should have talked to me
More often than you did-- but no
You had to go your own way
Have you broken any homes up lately?
Just five minutes, Worm, Your Honor
Him and me alone
Come to Mama, baby
Let me hold you in my arms
M'Lud I never wanted him to
Get in any trouble
Why'd he have to go and leave me?
Worm, Your Honor, let me take him home
Crazy... over the rainbow
I am crazy
Bars in the window
There must have been a door there in the wall
When I came in
Crazy... over the rainbow
He is crazy
The evidence before the court is incontrovertible
There's no need for the jury to retire
In all my years of judging
I have never heard before
Of someone more deserving
The full penalty of law
But, my friends, he has
Revealed his deepest fear
I sentence him to be
Exposed before his peers
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down--
All alone or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some side-by-side
Some in Indian file
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Walk on by
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall
After all it's not easy
Banging your heart against
Some mad bugger's wall