Keep your dirty feelings deep inside
you're like me, you've had this experience plenty of times.
You're with a group of friends from different walks of life--a group of co-workers, a group from school, a group from church, or something along those lines--and the subject of musical tastes comes up. It gets around to you, and you unashamedly, unabashedly, state that your favorite band is Pink Floyd.
All you get in return is blank stares and utter disbelief. Someone turns up a nose.
"Pink Floyd?"
It has happened to me enough that I'm not even surprised anymore.
Now it's not like Pink Floyd is some tiny little
cult band, an acquired taste appreciated by a select few. They are one of
rock music's most influential and enduringly popular acts, with plenty of
platinum records to their name.
But somehow, despite the success, they retain this reputation in some circles as something less than desirable. A band for depressed, angst-ridden teenagers. A band for dope fiends and stoners. And those who dare to explore the music deeper find plenty to reinforce whatever negative stereotypes they choose to look for. Lyrics full of racial slurs. Lyrics full of profanity. Attacks on women, governments, religious institutions, and more celebrities than you can shake a stick at. A bunch of Floyd-scored hippie films from the 70s that amount to little more than soft-core porn. Groupie sex and race riots and fornicating flowers.
Face it, kids; there is plenty about Pink Floyd to get offended at, if you are looking to be offended.
I guess the thing that separates the Floyd fan from the rest is the willingness to see that Pink Floyd used of these 'offensive' words, images, and themes to make artistic statements. They simply didn't have any qualms about stepping on some toes along the way.
Mike McInnis is the editor of Spare Bricks.
Ed Paule explains why he finds "In the Flesh" to be offensive.
Guest contributor Rachel Funari examines the misogynistic leanings of The Wall and Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking.
Bob Cooney lists the ten most offensive songs in the Floyd catalog.
Colin Turner outlines the history of Roger Waters' support of foxhunting.
RoIO Reviewers Gerhard den Hollander and Philippe van Roy brave fireworks and phlegm at the Floyd's 1977 concert in Montreal.